Sunday, March 22, 2015

Missing my quiet Sundays

It has been ages since I last posted.  I must apologize.  It's been a particularly busy time period and the blog seems to be the first thing to slide when I am not up for getting everything done.  I hope to be better about posting again now, especially with an upcoming trip to Wales over Easter break, which should give me lots of fun stuff to write about.

In this late winter/early spring time frame, when there are the fewest local festivals and the weather is at its most dreary, we've been spending our time house hunting.  Yep, after more than 6 years here, and now the proud bearers of permanent residency cards, we've decided to (hopefully) buy ourselves a home in Germany.  As it turns out, one of the few errands that you can do in Germany on Sundays is house shopping.

With David out of town nearly every weekday, that means that we end up spending both Saturday and Sunday obsessively driving by lots or houses, going to showing, looking in model homes and meeting with builders (model homes are generally open on Sundays and many builders prefer to meet then).

Looking to buy a home, in a language that you are still a bit shaky in, and when the system is vastly different than the one you are accustomed to is more stressful than fun.  Add in the typical busyness of life, and I find I am really missing those Sundays "off" to unwind and reset for the week ahead.

With limited time to look, and Sundays available to us, the allure of getting things done is too strong to ignore, even as I miss the forced hiatus from every day stress that Sundays in Germany have become.  It's so funny to me that I have come to love and rely on that break from the hubbub of life--when we first moved here, being forced to slow down every week felt constraining and frustrated me.  Now, I see my Sundays as liberating and find myself missing them dearly while we spend them searching for a home.


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