Thursday, May 9, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

No, I am not confused.  Here in Germany, today is Father's Day.  Father's Day is always on Ascension Thursday, which is a national holiday so most dad's have the day off.  Interestingly, Mother's Day is the same as in the US, the second Sunday in May.  So this year, both Mother's Day and Father's Day fall into the same four day weekend.

The stereo shop that Dave frequents was taking part in a "Premium Father's Day" show, so we decided to bop own to Mainz for a few hours today to celebrate.

We parked on a hillside with a nice view of the fields.  I love the patches of yellow where the Safflowers are in bloom.

The event was small and located in a lovely little local farm/barn area.

We thought it was a GREAT idea for Father's Day.  They had set ups from several vendors which appeal to men: large, nice BBQ grills; motorcycles  high end stereos, tailored men's clothing, wine and cigars.  

They also had a vendor who had bikinis and lingerie!  Which, upon reflection IS something men really enjoy ;)   

They also had the grill running making prime rib, baked potatoes and veggies.  And inside you could buy wine or soda and freshly made waffles with fresh German strawberries, which are just coming into season.

All in all it was a pleasant way to spend a couple of hours on Father's Day and all it cost us was about 15 Euro for food and drinks.

Tonight we are off to see the newest Star Trek movie in the theatre.


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