Saturday, November 9, 2013

A short stroll in La Spezia

We had hoped to hike parts of the Cinque Terre trail on our La Spezia port day.  We've had that same hope for several stops there and always end up foiled by the weather!  Sure enough, that rain from Cannes followed us through the night (with a very dramatic lightening storm) and into the early parts of the morning.

The Cinque Terre trails are prone to mudslides and are closed for safety reasons if there has been rain--so once again, hiking was out.  We ended up just wandering in town a little bit.  It went from cool and still drizzling to uncomfortably warm and humid for how we were dressed very quickly, and we have spent a lot of time in this cute seaside town, so we did not even stay very long.  I snapped a few photos though (and as a note to cruisers, this once tender port now has a dock.  We docked just to the left side of the harbor as you look out to sea, but there was a free port bus that dropped us at the start of the waterfront, only a few hundred meters from where the Tender used to drop off--so that was easy).

Enjoy the photos!

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