Friday, November 15, 2013

Tradition, tradition!

Okay, this isn't Russia, I am not Jewish and there is no fiddler.  But there IS a roof being built, so I have a connection somewhere.

Seriously though, I want to mention today that one thing I love about Germany is the really great blend of old world traditions and modern conveniences.  Germany seems to do a really good job of maintaining traditions that give people a link to the cultural past and a strong identity, while still very much moving forward into the modern world.

You only have to look at the cars on the autobahn or the solar cells dotting the rooftops to know that Germany is on the forefront of making and using new technology.  Then again, you can look at the well maintained and restored buildings or attend nearly any town ceremony to see that link to the past.

Or, you can just look at the local construction site!  The property just behind my backyard has housing and garages being built on it as I type.  I am not thrilled to have a view of construction debris, or to hear the noise from huge machines on many days (nor am i looking forward to having student housing in my backyard when it is done) but I DID get a kick out of watching the roofer working today.  I LOVE how in Germany these types of traditional tradesmen often still wear their traditional clothing.  Seriously, you would NEVER see someone in a velvet vest with shiny brass buttons on a construction site in the US.



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