Friday, June 14, 2013

a short musing on permission slips and lack thereof

Please forgive me for interrupting the trip report on the cruise, but there are always "current events" here in Germany that come up and need to be included on the blog too.

Today's event (well, one of two . . .) is that Rio left for his class trip.  Rio, and the other 34 kids from his trip, and two teachers (his lead teacher, and the gym teacher who is also a lifeguard) boarded a bus (with two drivers) and off they have gone for a 10 day trip to a beach area near Rome.

A year ago, when the first deposit on this trip was due, we did have to sign a form acknowledging that the deposits going to the travel company could not be refunded in the event that our child did not go on the trip for ANY reason.

Last week, a paper came home with the rules on it.  It was about a half a sheet.  Basically, the kids need to stay with the group, be in their bungalows by 10:00 pm with lights out at 1:00.  And no drinking of alcohol or energy drinks, use of illegal drugs or smoking is allowed.  At the bottom it was explained that if a student was a severe discipline problem, or drank or used drugs, they would be put on a train home at the parent's expense (yes, 8th graders being sent home with no supervision on the train--this would NEVER happen in a US school).

That's IT.  There were no permission slips, not medical releases or photo releases or anything else.  Nothing.

Other than the rules, we have gotten three pieces of paper related to the trip:

1. Last week Rio brought home a phone list with everyone's number on it.  If there is any issue while the kids are gone, the teacher will call two parents, who will each call two and so on until we all know what is up.

2. Rio brought home a half page note yesterday which had the name and address of where they are going.

3.  We were given a note today explaining that there was an issue with the first place (it was double booked!) and they are now staying elsewhere (poor teacher, spent most of last night on this!) with a new name and address.

That's it!  No long and detailed list of rules.  No dress code.  No packing list.  No written requests for medical forms or documentation, etc.

The teacher verbally told the kids they needed to bring in a list of medications and their passports and insurance cars.  No need to send a note or call the parents.  Every single kid had what they needed and every single kid was there, with their things, waiting for the bus BEFORE the bus pulled up this evening at 5:00.

I have to say that I love, love, love this.  I love not having to sign reams of paperwork.  I love that there is not this huge fear of a lawsuit hanging over every head.  I love that the kids are trusted to convey information on their own--and that they live up to that trust.

I just think the whole thing is pretty dang cool (even as I sit here and panic about Rio swimming in an ocean without my over protective eye on him).

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