Thursday, June 27, 2013

and keeping with a theme . . .

Blogging about grocery shopping has caused me to think about, and appreciate, just how many products are readily available now that we could not buy when we moved here.  It seems like every month something "new" shows up in the grocery stores--which is a nice treat.

Some things have always been around if we were willing to pay extremely high prices and rive to specialty shops in other cities.  Brown sugar is still not in the main stores here, but I found it locally the first month in Heidelberg--in a British shop--and the price is not bad at all--so all that requires is making an extra trip.  But there are a lot of things that were either not available at all, or only in those specialty stores in other cities at high prices, that I can now pick up at my regular stores and a typical shopping run.  Much of it is good old American junk food (and much of it we find we don't even like anymore and do not buy now that we can!), but it is fun to have it available anyway.

Here is a partial list of things I can buy fairly easily now and could not before:

Dr Pepper
String Cheese
Ritz Crackers
Decent Tortilla Chips
Refried Beans
Peppridge Farm Milano Cookies
Mnt Dew

There are still hard (or impossible) to find items that we really miss though:
Ranch Dressing
Corn Tortillas
Graham Crackers
Cream Soda
Malt Powder
Sweetarts (yes, I KNOW they are crappy chemical laden things--I miss them!)

Thankfully peanut butter was always readily available (though twice the price); I'm not sure Rio would have survived those first years without it! lol


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